Beyond Culture, Edward T. Hall, Anthropology, Anchor Press/Doubleday
ISBN: 0-358-12474-0
1 The Paradox of Culture
2 Man as Extension
3 Consistency and Life
4 Hidden Culture
5 Rythmn and Body Movement
6 Context and Meaning
7 Contexts, High and Low
8 Why Context?
9 Situation -Culture's Building Block
10 Action Chains
11 Covert Culture and Action Chains
12 Imagery and Memory
13 Cultural and Primate Bases of Education
14 Culture as an Irrational Force
15 Culture as Identification
'Introduction' final paragraph:
"What is called for is a massive cultural literacy move-
ment that is not imposed but springs from within. Man
can benefit from more as well as deeper knowledge of
what an incredible organism he is. He can grow, swell with
pride, and breathe better for having many remarkable
talents. To do so, however, he must stop ranking either
people or talents and accept the fact that there are many
roads to truth and no culture has a corner on the path or
is better equipped than others to search for it. What is
more, no man can tell another how to conduct that search."
Garry Cardinal,,